Is your baby growing up? Are you wondering how to design their toddler room? Read on for great tips on how to convert a nursery to a toddler room with a DIY reading corner and play table craft corner.

We spend a lot of time planning our babe'southward nursery.  It's new, exciting and there are and then many adorable things we can contain into the room. Of class, those first couple of years went past at lightning speed!  Now yous accept a moving toddler that has outgrown some of the things in their room.  If y'all want to proceed your child in the same room, there are simple steps you can take to convert a nursery to a toddler room.  How much you change is completely upward to y'all.  Maybe you want to proceed the exact same theme, or you desire to change information technology entirely. Either mode, there are some key things you want to consider irresolute.Is your baby growing up? Are your wondering how to make their toddler room? Read on for great tips on how to convert your nursery to a toddler room with a DIY reading corner and play table craft corner.

My showtime son Miles' plant nursery was gray and yellow with big geometric patterns.  You can see his room blueprint hither. Nosotros added blackness and white and traded out some piece of furniture to arrive fit for a big boy's growing curiosity and independence! If you take a budding toddler, but want to continue them in their same room and proceed some or all your pattern efforts- proceed reading for ideas on how to catechumen your plant nursery to a toddler room.

1) Toddler Bed

Is your baby growing up? Are your wondering how to make their toddler room? Read on for great tips on how to convert your nursery to a toddler room with a DIY reading corner and play table craft corner.Moving our son to his big male child bed started his room transformation from a plant nursery to a toddler room. If you oasis't read information technology yet, make sure to check out my tips for transitioning to a toddler bed!  There are some essential safety updates outlined in that article, now that they can go out of bed and roam the room. We made the bed alter commencement and after he was adjusted, converted the other areas of his room.  You can totally make all the changes at once and get your toddler excited about the new room! The crib sheets fit toddler beds, and then you tin continue those and the same mattress.  Y'all may want to get a toddler sheet set– it adds a pillowcase for your new adorable toddler pillow and a loose sheet.  We barely used the sheet at first, because our son loved the comfort of his crib coating.

There are many fun themed toddler beds– if that will be the focal signal of your theme, starting time there showtime.  Nosotros kept ours white, like his crib color.  I'k seeing him sharing a room with his baby brother ane day, who inherited the crib (converts into a toddler bed).  This style they volition both accept similar sized white beds.

ii) Reorganize

Is your baby growing up? Are your wondering how to make their toddler room? Read on for great tips on how to convert your nursery to a toddler room with a DIY reading corner and play table craft corner.Your toddler is learning independence at an exciting rate!  More and more, they are wanting to practice things on their own.  Utilize this to your advantage. Replace some article of furniture or add together new items and rearrange things and so they are at toddler acme and tin can be reached by little hands.

  • Clothes, towels, pajamas- okay, I don't ever allow my toddler pick out his apparel in the morning. Because if I practice, he'll always vesture the same orange shirt.  Lol. But I requite him a couple of choices.  He can also reach his towel to bring to bath time, access the drawer with his pajamas to pull out, and knows to throw his muddy clothes in the hamper.
  • Books and toys- apply bins, toy boxes and bookcases that are shut to the ground.  Have a organisation where they know what goes where. Miles and I talk most it every fourth dimension we make clean up- legos go here, music toys hither, motor vehicles, etc. It'south pretty amazing when my ii year old tells my husband that he put the toy back in the wrong place. Hilarious! You tin can label them or colour coordinate- legos in cherry-red, cars in blue etc.

3) Create a magical infinite such every bit a reading corner

Is your baby growing up? Are your wondering how to make their toddler room? Read on for great tips on how to convert your nursery to a toddler room with a DIY reading corner and play table craft corner.

Is your baby growing up? Are your wondering how to make their toddler room? Read on for great tips on how to convert your nursery to a toddler room with a DIY reading corner and play table craft corner.This is EVERYBODY's favorite space in the room.  Information technology'south just so cozy and the LED string lights give it a perfect ambience for reading earlier going to bed.  Their imaginations actually come to life at this historic period and it'south fun nurturing information technology with their rooms or activities. My mom made ours out of a king sized sheet, there are many skillful tutorials out there! We bought the cushion at State of Nod.  Y'all can as well purchase canopies and tents at a lot of places now!

When we finally move into a house and can have a stand lone playroom, I plan on doing other projects to create magical spaces. Cheque out my favorite ideas for creating magical spaces for kids!

4) Brand a theme update

Is your baby growing up? Are you wondering how to design their toddler room? Read on for great tips on how to convert a nursery to a toddler room with a DIY reading corner and play table craft corner.

Is your baby growing up? Are your wondering how to make their toddler room? Read on for great tips on how to convert your nursery to a toddler room with a DIY reading corner and play table craft corner.Ours was a simple color add-on, but you lot can become whatsoever direction you and your toddler want!  I added black and white to Miles' room.  Information technology was complimentary to the gray and yellow that already existed, and gave it a squeamish modern pop.  Recollect about what y'all already have and what you are going to introduce.  Information technology helps to integrate with some of the existing elements- cheaper because you don't have to supervene upon everything and not as fourth dimension consuming.

5) More than floor space- remove baby stuff!

The glider/rocking chair and ottoman tin can go.  I know, in that location are memories of a lot of belatedly nights on at that place!  Yous guys tin can notwithstanding cuddle in the reading corner or on their bed! Nosotros moved ours to the new baby'south nursery, simply y'all can put yours in storage if you lot anticipate using it in the time to come or sell it online.  The same goes for rockers, swings, saucers, jumpers and all other baby items they accept grown out of that accept up room.  Our diaper days were not over when making the transition (unfortunately), but if you are- replace the diaper pail with a trash can.  You lot can too repurpose the changing tabular array to have accessible toys or clothes on the bottom drawers.

Is your baby growing up? Are your wondering how to make their toddler room? Read on for great tips on how to convert your nursery to a toddler room with a DIY reading corner and play table craft corner.

Is your baby growing up? Are your wondering how to make their toddler room? Read on for great tips on how to convert your nursery to a toddler room with a DIY reading corner and play table craft corner.

We too added a play tabular array and an arts and crafts corner to the room.  Strongly propose a toddler height table set or comfortable chair!  The play table was a thrift shop find that I made over. The reason it's in his room is because we don't have a playroom and there was room (information technology replaced the area where the glider was).  Surprisingly, he does not go into whatsoever of the crafts during bedtime (knock on wood 馃槈 ). If you have a playroom, a crafts corner has been a fun addition.  Nosotros always practice some coloring or a projection there after nap.

And that'southward information technology! Your toddler room is ready! Hopefully the adjacent few years won't get by as fast as the get-go two did.

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